

One of the best ways to experience an ongoing sense of fellowship in a church family is to regularly participate with a class, group, or ministry. Each of these environments give us the chance to mature in faith and grow in our love for one another and love for God. This happens as we make our way through three important aspects of our interaction with Scripture. The first is knowing the Bible in which we become literate with the information in the Bible. The second is doing theology in which, by the help of God’s Spirit, we consider how a particular passage or theme from the Bible relates to our current situation and the world around us. The third is living the gospel in which we put the first two tasks into practice in a way that brings life, hope, and love to the people around us.

Read More About These Three Aspects of Reading the Bible

While we are constantly doing all three of these tasks simultaneously, you might say that our classes lean into the first task, our groups provide opportunity for the second task, and our ministries engage us in the third task. Read on to learn more about our classes, groups, and ministries.

Learning Together

Adult Bible Classes

Our Bible classes provide the opportunity to learn and grow with one another.

Journey Groups, our small group ministry, meet together each week to grow, learn, have fun, and develop friendships! Join one our groups, make some new friends, and walk together through the good times and hard times of life. Doing life in community is about belonging and knowing that you are not alone. You can learn more about current group availability when placing membership.


    Find Your Place to Serve

    Our ministries give us the opportunity to share our gifts, abilities and passions with one another for the sake of service to others in the name of Jesus. We hope you will join in with us. While some of our ministries require a formal statement of membership with Altamesa, many of our ministries are open to whoever is interested in serving others. Take some time to explore our ministries and find a place to serve. Scroll through the options below or GO DIRECTLY TO OUR MINISTRIES PAGE.

    Hand in Hand


    Hand in Hand is a ministry for expecting mom or a mom of children birth through 1st grade. Experienced moms partner with young moms in mentoring...

    Prayer Shawl


    Our ministry prayerfully provides members of the Altamesa Church of Christ, their families and circle of influence, grief support through handmade...
