Series Description: Peter’s first letter comes into agreement with our present day reality: suffering is a part of life. For example, there is suffering that comes from the hands and voices of nonbelievers because Christians refuse to participate in the hedonism of our previous lifestyles (4:4). However, as we consider suffering, the most encouraging aspect is it places believers in solidarity with Jesus. Christ as the suffering servant is our model (2:21-24), and ultimately there is victory after suffering and death (3:18-22). So, while we wait and suffer for a little while (5:10-11), we live faithfully as if it were our last day. We live compassionately and prophetically, anticipating the coming of the Lord, encouraging and serving others, and continuing to do good for the glory of God and the sake of the world. Join us over the next three weeks during our annual Ministry Expo as we consider what it means to live a cruciformed life, serving in the steps of the Savior.
This series starts August 13.