Hand in Hand
Church, Women
We loved you so much that we were delighted to share not only the gospel with you, but our lives as well.
1 Thessalonians 2:8
A Ministry for Mommies
Hand in Hand is a ministry for expecting mom or a mom of children birth through 1st grade. Experienced moms partner with young moms in mentoring groups based on building authentic, meaningful relationships. We believe that while we are all uniquely different, we all desire relationships, community, girlfriends, partnering, and those we can laugh and cry with. Our goal is to make that opportunity available to you in the best community we know of--other women who are seeking to know and love Jesus better and pattern their lives after Him.
This requires an investment of time, commitment to listen, and availability. We believe each generation has its own challenges, and while there are values and wise practices that are true in every age, we want our focus to be helping you depend and rely on the Spirit and your relationship with the Father and His Son, Jesus. As you learn to know and love Him in the context of a loving community of women, you will be the wonderful wife and mom that God created you to be.
We support young mommies in these ways:
- involvement in baby showers
- small care groups where we pray for and pursue relationships with each other
- providing Mommies’ Night Out dinners to encourage fellowship and discuss relevant and important issues from a Biblical perspective
- consistently praying for these young women.
Our focus is on:
- developing unity and relationships by spending quality and quantity time with moms
- encouraging the study of God Word as our source for knowing God and His Truth,
- creating community connections by reaching out to moms who may not participate or feel included
- experience God as we seek Him in relationship together.
How We Are Adapting:
Our events and activities are different right now as we navigate this COVID crisis. Please contact us and we will add you to our list. We will keep you up to date on how we are trying to live in community and be available and helpful to you during this challenging time.