Ladies Bible Class

The Ladies Bible Class Ministry at Altamesa serves to provide a safe and nurturing place for women of all ages who would like to study God’s word and share experiences. From September to May, we offer a class that meets on Thursdays at 10 am. We have varied teachers, may at times discuss a book or workbook together, or experience a video session. We strive to bring ladies closer to God and each other through study and fellowship.
We will be participating in a study & watching Season 1 of "The Chosen" together this semester. The study material we will use was written by Gail Matthews and Sandra Backer (from Bammel Church of Christ in Houston). This viewing guide is designed to accompany and expand the viewing experience of the "The Chosen" series by offering biblical & cultural context to each episode as well as some guided reflection. We will alternate weeks of watching a episode and discussing the episode.
Join us in the Living Room “or by Zoom” for Bible study and fellowship. Nursery provided as needed.
Email Andria,
for nursery.