Hard Questions Bible Class
For people of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and digging into Scripture. Join us at 9 am every Sunday Morning in the Living Room. This class also has a option for participating via Zoom.
Current Series
The Paul who set out on the road to Damascus was anything but a joy-filled person. The Paul who writes the letter to the church at Philippi is totally joy-filled. Join us as Ron McDaniel helps us look in detail at this letter to see how Paul uses his life’s pattern and example to show his beloved brothers and sisters at Philippi and us how to live the joy-filled life he now has.
Coming in April
In this short topical study, we will spend 4-5 weeks on two different questions: 1) “Angels: What do we know about them?” and 2) “The 10 Commandments: How many versions are there?” Here is a brief description of what's behind each question.
The study of angels in scripture AND popular lore (e.g., “It’s a Wonderful Live,” the movie) will focus on what scripture tells us vs. what we think we know. The OT and NT give us very different views of angels. Centuries later, the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages gave us a lot of our conventional wisdom about angels that Protestants also accepted as authoritative.
10 Commandments
Everybody – including politicians today – talks about them, but hardly anybody realizes Jews, Catholics, and Protestants don’t all agree on exactly what commandments comprise the Decalogue. Add in the political questions of whether we really want them (some version) posted in our schools and courthouses. Takes us back to that cliched saying a few years back, “WWJD?”