Chapel Class

    A Sunday morning Bible class featuring an informative biblical presentation as well as whole class and small group discussion and life application.

    Current Series

    A major theme, if not the whole point, of Hebrews is to encourage Christians to remain faithful, particularly as times get tough. In the form of a sermon, the writer of Hebrews acknowledges that his readers are in a struggle of faithfulness, perhaps even at the edge of giving up. His message to this weary group is simple: look to Jesus. To convey this message, the writer leans into four Psalms to tell a deeply theological story to present Jesus as the model of faithfulness for us to follow.

    Through her video series on Seminary Now, New Testament scholar Madison Pierce will be our guide as she unpacks one of the most important theological texts in the New Testament. This study of Hebrews will give you a fuller understanding of who Jesus is and what it means to follow him and live a life of faith.

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