Our Discipleship Values
Discipleship happens as the life of Jesus is reproduced in our life. Being a disciple, then, is about being shaped by the values of the kingdom of God as announced, demonstrated, and revealed by Jesus through his life, death, and resurrection to which we owe the highest commitment, allegiance, and devotion by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us. We bring these values together for our church family in five statements that you will see posted in our Gathering Area and hear in our worship service and Bible classes. You might also want to explore how we communicate these values in our children's ministry and youth ministry.
Live Dependent
Living out a vibrant, Holy Spirit empowered relationship with the Father as the one who deeply loves us and the source of all wisdom and guidance for life.
Live Surrendered
Exalting and acknowledging God as over all, offering our lives as living sacrifices for the glory of his will for us and for the world.
Live Connected
Being grounded in a love for God and for one another, sharing our burdens and encouraging one another as we walk the way of Jesus together. It is being deeply aware and concerned for the interests and needs of one another.
Live Compassionate
Imitating the compassionate ministry of Jesus, giving of ourselves to share the hope of Jesus Christ for the world. It is a cup of cold water in the name of Jesus. It is to care for the sick, feed the hungry, visit the prisoner, and welcome the stranger. It is to love our enemies and pray for our persecutors.
Live Prophetic
Living out the way of Jesus and eagerly proclaiming the gospel, reflecting the character and values of God as revealed through Jesus.